Monday, 16 February 2009


Helloooo my faithful followers, sorry for the long silence, i've had no intenet for a while but im back now! Mwhaha.
I have some sad news. My faithful laptop sadly went to the big hard drive in the sky a couple of weeks ago. It will be missed. I had a feeling it was on it's last legs, running insanely slow and freezing/crashing every five minutes, so it wasnt a total shock.
It served me well through the time i needed it most, university, so i can't ask more than that.
My lovely housemate Laura has very kindly said i can use hers when its free which is really nice of her.

Sooooo...i have news.

I have a job!!!

And one i enjoy which for me is possibly the most important thing. The fact that the pay is good is also a bonus :-)
So what is this marvellous job i hear you cry?
I am a retail assistant at The Natural History Museum!
Which basically means i work in the main museum shop.
It's good fun. I got the job through an agency so im a temp, and there are a few of us, i get on well with most of them. The shop has several different sections (dino, ecology, darwin, minerals etc), all of which have interesting stuff in, and every day is different. I might spend a whole day on a till or i might be sent to a section to keep an eye on it and keep it nice and neat and tidy. Also, when your on the shop floor you often get people asking you questions, so i get to help people out which is fun. Most people have been really nice and friendly and willing to have a chat about things which is good. I've been recommending the Darwin exhibition and the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition, as part of our training we got to see both and they are ace.
As it's half term this week i am working six days, mostly 9 - 6.15 but a couple of 12 - 4 shifts too. It's tiring but we get two 20min breaks and a 45min lunch break and they spilt the day up nicely so you dont feel like you've been working for ages without a break.

So the biggest worry i've had since moving here is now gone :-) i cant tell you how good it feels. I can go food shopping and not panic about spending money as now i know ill be gettting paid on friday :-)

So this is one happy knitter, about to go and start a top, saying farewell for now :-)


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